Retained Search

Our search process for VP and leadership roles is consultative and comprehensive. It maps out the entire market and provides high-quality engaged candidates, who are deeply-vetted for a better fit – and all in record time.

HAVE Built

We provide a consultative, end-to-end search for VP and leadership roles, fully mapping the market and presenting deeply-vetted, engaged candidates for a better fit in less time.

HOW WE’RE Different

Better Fit and Faster Results

Our unwavering focus is on achieving tangible results. Drawing from our extensive experiences working with VC-funded startups, we have crafted a modern approach that truly fulfils the commitments we make.

In-house Startup Experience

We are former start-up operators, having collectively scaled over 15 venture-back companies. We’ve hired and coached executives from companies like Gojek, Google, LinkedIn, Uber, Tencent and Fractal.ai and intimately understand your roles and talent more than most firms.

Consistent Results

Our average time to placement ranges from 6 to 12 weeks, ensuring a thorough and diligent search process. With a dedicated team of tenured search professionals who actively engage in the work, we are committed to delivering results that exceed expectations.

Twice the capacity on your search

Our recruiters handle half the req load compared to our competition. This allows us to fully understand your needs and deliver high-quality candidates effortlessly, facilitating smoother negotiations. Secure your next exceptional executive with our dedicated focus and meticulous attention to detail.

Record time to hire

tlnt is a search firm with the DNA of a tech company. Our data-driven approach empowers us to adapt and optimize, even amidst rapidly changing market dynamics. As a result, we consistently secure executive hires in just 70 days, surpassing the industry’s standard of 120 days. Our unwavering commitment to excellence sets us apart.


The Fastest Way to Take Your Business to the Next Level

Our team brings decades of experience in successfully placing seasoned executives and rising stars in VP and leadership positions at renowned VC-backed technology companies.

Product, Engineering and Design
Data, Analytics and Data Science
Sales, Marketing and Success
General and Administrative

Get Superior Matches At An Unprecedented Pace

We blend a streamlined technology-driven process with expertise to provide results each time.


With our calibrated process and data-driven methodology, we are able to bring clarity to your role in record time.


Our concise, highly vetted profiles are tailored to your exact hiring requirements, freeing up your valuable time to focus on selecting the ideal candidate.


Our results speak for themselves – we’ve placed 50% of hires within 3 weeks of introduction.



Average Time to hire
Tied to Completion

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to meet your next great executive?

Experience the cutting-edge solution for hiring top executives and startup leaders. Your search for top-notch talent starts right here.

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